Travel Advisory: Terminal Hours of Operations - Read More

Passengers Business Foreign Trade Zone
68° 1:04AM (MST)
Friday, Feb. 7 - 1:04AM (MST)
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Parking & Transportation

Disabled Veterans Parking

Vehicles displaying Texas or New Mexico license plates that have a Disabled Veteran (DV) or eligible Meritorious Military Honors designation may receive complimentary parking at El Paso International Airport. Restrictions and limitations apply.

Short-term parking lot: Five (5) days of complimentary parking if space is available; any days beyond five (5) will be charged at the posted rate. 

West Lot & Premium Reserved Parking: No complimentary parking permitted

Long-term parking lot: Complimentary parking for the duration of your stay and the following terms apply:

What to do at the Automated Kiosk Exit Lane

When you exit at an automated kiosk exit lane, push the service button and have an attendant validate your identification and vehicle info and apply the Disabled Veteran Parking Discount.

Parking in a Handicapped Space 

As of January 1, 2022, anyone parking in a disabled parking space must have a disabled person license plate or a disabled parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA).  Currently, disabled veteran license plates do not feature the ISA. For the full details on Texas Disabled Veteran Parking restrictions and limitations, please click here.

If you plan to park longer than 30 consecutive days, please call (915)771-7990 so your vehicle will not be considered abandoned. 

If you have questions regarding any of these conditions, please call (915)771-7990 prior to parking.

Example of Disabled Veteran License Plate

El Paso International Airport

El Paso International Airport El Paso International Airport Land Development Forign Trade Zone